Sunday, June 8, 2008

They walked and walked and walked and walked!!!

Well they are finally back! They were filthy dirty but gained so much more then that! They were cheerful and happy and seemed to not even be ready to come back yet, even though they walked a total of about 25 miles in all!~they had a great experience, maybe not physically but spiritually and had fun along the way! We are very proud of them!
This was the sign that they had up at the church. As the buses rolled in all of the parents cheered and clapped as the tired and dirty pioneers filed off of the buses! All of the kids had smiles on their faces and had great experiences!
They were soooo dirty, and greasy from the axle grease, and other various things, remember Madison's apron WAS white when she left!~We even found a chicken feather inside Chandlar's shirt peeking out~and that was from the day before!! He said he was the one that held the chicken head when they chopped it off, and they were still able to eat the chicken even after that!

Tess had the great idea to make the kids a welcome home sign! She made the sign and the rest of us wrote little notes on it to each of the kids, it was cute! Madison was asked to speak in church the next day and Chandlar was warned that if they needed a time filler that he would probably be called on also! Madison did a great job!!! They have a lot more stories to tell, check Madison's blog after she gets her pictures back for more...