Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Cake Walk at the Carnival!!!

I have always loved cake walks ever since I was a little girl and won one at our school carnival! It was such a thrill for a little girl to win a WHOLE cake all by herself! Anyway~the kids went to the halloween carnival at Tess' school and Tess won a cake right off the bat~well we were ALL Worried that Jaxon may not win one and we KNEW the heck we would all have to pay if he didnt win! Well we were down to the last 2 cakes and the carnival was coming to a close so it was getting scary! When the music stopped Tess landed on #25 and Jaxon landed on #5~the lady drew the number out and yelled #25~(TESS WON AGAIN~)I was on the phone to Madison at the time who was down there with the kids~I said run and go make it look, to Jaxon, that he won~as I was saying that as fast as I could Madison must have had the same idea cuz she said Mom Ill call you right back!~She ran over to Jaxon and yelled JAXON YOU WON!!!! Hoping that he just heard #5 instead of #25~well he fell for it and Tess went along with the developing plan, and look at the cake that he ended up with! They were both very happy coming home all covered in chocolate! (the report is that Tess' cake ended up on Madison's floor board on the way home)~They all had a good time~You sure can't tell that Jaxon is the baby of the family now can you??