Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thank you mailman & Grampa & Ang!!!!

I never met a luckier girl!!

Now Madison and I have Flip Flop envy!!
Tess was swinging in the backyard yesterday and spotted the mailman come into the cul-de-sac. She ran out to the curb expecting only white letters and to her surprise and mine was handed a beautiful girly looking package~ she quickly glanced at the address and saw it was for her!! An early birthday present from Grampa and Ang!! YIPPEE!! She called Ang right away and said "Ang~the mail came!" (that cracked me up) and then she got off the phone and said Ang said I could open it whenever I wanted too!~well I knew that wouldn't last long and the continuous begging would make me crazy so she decided with no convincing at all, that she would open it right then! Well miraculously the sleepy campers pulled in right when she was about to rip off the beautiful wrapping, so she was kind enough to wait until Dad and the boys could watch! She is such a girly girl she just drips pink, and the thought of getting new clothes and especially new shoes will send her into convulsions on the spot!!!

Her comment was "yeah! I get to wear new clothes for the LAST week of school!" Now who gets to say that???

Thank you Grampa and Ang


Jeanette said...

I'm so glad you left a comment! Now I get to see your cute blog too! Happy early birthday to Tess. She sounds like my kind of girl. What a beautiful granddaughter you have and you are the most gorgeous grandma I've ever seen so you should wear the title proudly!
"Oscar MY weiner" is adorable too (I laughed out loud at that one).