Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jaxon gets a package!!!

Grampa, Ang and Cole...

The other day, Chandlar and Cooper got a package from Grampa and Ang (some awesome hand me downs!) Well after they went through the box and were totally THRILLED with it's contents, Jaxon got all sad and said "I didn't get a shirt" Well I was telling Ang the story and we both thought that was cute. Well today Jaxon found a brown box on our front porch and ran around to the backyard to show Curtis~he said "Dad we got a package" and Curtis said "What does this name spell?" and he looked at it and recongnized the name JAXON on the front of the box~and he was soooooo excited he came screaming into the house to show me (I was just getting out of the shower)~ he was dying he could hardly wait for me to dry off and get dressed before he opened the box!!! When he opened it, it was 2 AWESOME t-shirts just for him, not Chandlar and Cooper! He saved the box AND the tissue paper (he wanted to show everyone his shirts, his box and his "trash"! (he calls the tissue paper~ trash)

Thanks Grampa and Ang


Francie said...

OMGosh!! That is sooo incredibly cute!!! Its the little things and it was sure nice that ang saw the opportunity to make that little guys day!