Saturday, May 24, 2008


It is so cold here none of us can believe it! I heard Greer got 12 inches of snow! We fought so hard NOT to turn the heater on all day yesterday, but froze to death doing so! Well last night after we had as many blankets piled on us as we could, I caved~we slept warm after I finally fell asleep worrying about how much our bill would be!! Today it's not suppose to get out of the 40's but we also have the bitter cold wind factor to add in. What a stinkin drag~I can't ever remember a cold Memorial Day before, although, I guess right before we moved here 10 years ago, they say it snowed in June that year! YIPPEE!~oh well it's going to take more then this to get me to take my flip flops off!!!~


TJ Eich said...

Okay Wendy, I have to come clean: I'm blog-stalking you! I found Kacie's blog through a mutual friend and couldn't help clicking on yours :) I love it! Email me for an invite to mine, if you'd like: t_jelly_jo(at)yahoo(dot)com

~T.J. (Scorse) Eich

Brea said...

Oh no... I am such a wimp when it comes to being cold! So what will the weather be like this weekend when we go up there??? should i bring my sweatshirts and boots??? Let me know.
