Sunday, May 4, 2008

We have officially lost our minds!!!

We have a new puppy~but this time it is ALL Curtis' fault! He was at Bashas and couldn't resist this tiny little Dachshund! Its actually called a Double Dapple Chocolate Miniature Dachshund~sounds good enough to eat to me!
"OSCAR"~(as in weiner)
He's so tiny!
In this picture we were holding him up for a picture, at first his eyes were opened and all of a sudden his head fell to the side and he fell asleep, it was very funny!
Notice spiderman in the picture too! I guess the pirate days are over!


Francie said...

oh my gosh...i dont know that i could have resisted that puppy either! im on your side with this one curtis!!!!

Kacie said...

We love little oscar!! Hes so cute!! By the way mom, what a HOTT MAMA picture that is above your profile. WOW!!!