Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I've been Tagged!! Sorry it's taken me so long to do this Kacie...

ok here goes~

1. Three joys in my life.....
a. My husband! without a doubt he is my main source of happiness!!
b. My Good kids!
c. My extended family!!
2. Three fears in my life......
a. Tess says snakes. LOL! But really~ not doing some of the things I wanted to do before I die!
b. Dying before my children are grown up and ok!!!
c. to go along with b~going on a trip and getting hurt or killed in an
accident on the way home and the ward members having to come into my house and it NOT being clean!!! ARGH!!!!! Now that's scary!!!
d. oh yeah and speaking in church~I know that is 4, why do I have more fears then joys???
3. Three Goals in my life...
a. For Curtis to finish all of the "honey do's" around here!! LOL! That's my goal ~for him!!lol!
b. YEAR SUPPLY FINISHED!!! (shut up Francie!!)
c. Help my boys all be Eagle Scouts!! (very hard one!)
4. Three Current obsessions.................
a. My Blog (how lame is that?)
b. All my kids passing ALL Of their classes~just wait until you have many teenagers girls! Headache city!!
c. Getting my house ALL finished!!!
d. oh yeah and loosing weight! (4 again)
5. Three Random Facts.....
a. I traveled to Switzerland and skiied the Matterhorn!! (it kicked my rear!)
b. My husband and I met while we were both in the Easter Pageant together!
c. Madison says that I should say that I shave my legs every day and I tried to tell her that, that is normal she insists it is random! lol~ummm ok here is one, I got cutest legs for Senior Mosts, my senior year!~my Dad said~"yeah your gonna go far in life with that one!"~what can I say???
6. Tag Three People......
I tag~ Francie, Sara, and Brianne~Sorry guys!