Thursday, April 2, 2009
Posted by Wendy at 5:33 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by Wendy at 6:24 AM 12 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009

Me and Pac

The Birthday Boy!! Isn't he cute?

We took pictures of each family and then one big group shot!~the Group shot is on my sisters camera and I will post that one as soon as I get it from her. This is of just OUR extended family

This is my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Rue's family

This is my Uncle Phil and Aunt Brenda's family

Aunt Wendy and Uncle Ron's family

After Paca blew out his candles he put his arm around me and asked everyone if they remembered where the name Paca came from~then he told the story, and gave me a kiss! I love you Paca thanks for ALL the fun memories over the years!! You were and still are a HUGE part of my life!

Let em eat cake! This is my niece Chloe, Tess and my niece Piper

Jaxon met Calvin, my cousin Sara's little boy and they were fast friends and had a lot of fun together~Jaxon is still talking about Calvin!

We love you Paca and CAN'T WAIT for the next party!!!
Posted by Wendy at 1:09 PM 4 comments
Happy Birthday Madison!! (Feb 5th)

This picture was taken right before this happened...

Gracie thought she better dive in if she stood any chance of getting a bite of cake!!! It was hilarious!!! But what was even funnier was that...

Tatum was told that she had to eat 5 bites of her rice BEFORE she could have any cake~well we all stood on our heads to help her eat her 5 bites. As soon as Gracie grabbed her BIG piece of cake Tatum stated screaming~she was saying "Gracie ate all the cake, Gracie ate all the cake!" She was thinking Man I ate my 5 bites and now my sister ate all the cake and I don't get any!
Posted by Wendy at 12:40 PM 0 comments
My Best Present Ever!

Posted by Wendy at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Simplicity at its Best!!!!
WOO HOO!!!!OK if any of you are as over whelmed with food storage as I am you have to check out this system!!! Our LONG time family friend Wendy Dewitt gives classes on how she does her food storage system and it is AMAZING!!! She makes it so simple~and it all makes so much sense!~FINALLY a way that will work for me!!! Check out her video below to see how she does it!! Get ready to REALLY catch the bug!!! PS there are 9 parts to the system so after you view the video on the post click on 2-9 at the bottom of the video!
Posted by Wendy at 5:57 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Lock Down At Snowflake High!!!

Posted by Wendy at 4:46 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009

Those that didn't!

Posted by Wendy at 3:41 PM 1 comments