Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Cooper!! (Yesterday!)

Cooper turned 14 yesterday! I can't believe he is old enough to go to the stake dances already~scary! He also found out he made the 8th grade basketball team the day before his b-day!! WAY TO GO COOP! We love you tons!


Francie said...

hApPy bIrThDaY CoOpEr!!!! hope you had a great day! and a HUGE congrats on the basketball dealio!
we love ya cooperman!

Jonesey said...

happy b-day cooper. you are only 25 days older than me!! lol!!! my b-day is january 8!! good luck playing our b-ball team lol ur gonna lose!!! let me no when u play us.

hanna (kmcaldwell) said...

happy birthday cooper!!!